Friday, December 9, 2011


I went to Caribou Coffee in Royal Oak expecting to study the night away, but instead I learned so much more talking with a man named Chet. I walked by him on my way to the bathroom and noticed he was painting with watercolors all the people in the store. Having experience in watercolor, and being overall the curious person I am, I started up a conversation with him. We hit off pretty well, so well in fact that I forgot to pay the meter for Kasey's car and got my first ticket! My friends were laughing at me and complaining that they can't take me anywhere without me doing something strange but I had a great time. I showed him the watercolor I had done and some of my professors work and he painted this! I asked him how often he paints, he laughed and said he was here everyday, which is why the walls of the coffee shop are covered in his work.